Did a lot of stuff yesterday.
My shins wings got painted. Finished the other shoulder piece and got it pinned in, fixed the cape, painted the round cape pins and put them on. Made a new skirt mock up that is MUCH better. Finished the belt. Today — get the wing harness situated, focus on the WW for the chest, figure out how to attach the cape, and cut the skirt pieces out of the real material.
Took the drawstring out and put belt loops on – 100x better. Got the bottom edge of the tunic straightened. My helmet is finished, it’s sweet. Today – boot discs on the boots, fix the back neck of my undertunic, turn the edges of the gloves over, put the spikes on and cut down the leather in my neck armor… and most importantly, work on my cummerbund.
Endor Leia
Finally got the shirt attached to the pants, fixed the stripes problem. Chase started on my holster and I got my belt put together. Today, make the pouch. That’s all I can do until my gun shows up tomorrow, then I can finish the holster and she’s done.
I rehemmed my front Slave Leia skirt, it was a little too long. Helped Ash with Ackbar stuff. That was it, I think… today is another busy day.